Saturday, March 1, 2014

Savoonga, Gambell and random thoughts

I got on the plane to Gambell with several other people. There were only 6 other people on the plane with me, but there was a bunch of freight in the back. Flying over the Bering Strait was uneventful but it was kind of cool. You could see where the ocean was frozen over and had broken up some. If you look, you can see where the pieces fit back together.

Savoonga School


Savoonga School

Got Pepsi?

I don't know how much Pepsi got unloaded from the back of the plane, but it was a lot. I heard that the planes make the most money on freight on soda. The store here in Gambell has a ton of soda for sale. I don't think they will ever run out. But it is possible.

I didn't get out of the plane in Savoonga. They landed long enough to disembark passengers and the freight and possibly mail. Then we flew to Gambell, which was about a 10-20 minute flight.

When I arrived I didn't know who I was supposed to look for. There was a bunch of people waiting for the plane to arrive to get their freight or whatever. I was approached by a man to purchase some carvings, but I told him no because I was overwhelmed and didn't know who I was looking for. Another man approached me and asked me if I was the new teacher, I said yes, and he handed me keys to the school and my apartment. Then we loaded my stuff into the back of the trailer attached to a 4 wheeler, and off we went from the airport to my new home until April.

I live in the first duplex in the first apartment next to the school. Eric saw us arrive and came out and helped me get my stuff in the house. It was nice to see him again. He was nice enough to give me the room with the bathroom in it. However, he took the other room -- that one has internet access! He had rearranged the house as well because what is the dining room gets internet access from the school, whereas the living room doesn't. The house is brand new, no one else has ever lived in it. It's really nice. I love the kitchen because there is a lot of counter space. Although the living room is just home to Eric's dresser (he doesn't want to move it) and the kitchen table and the coffee table. Just like normal people, we don't eat at the table!

I had to be at the school at 8am. I didn't get completely unpacked for a couple of days because I didn't know where I wanted to move the dresser. I ended up putting it in the closet. Takes up less space and I don't have any hanging clothes, because I have no hangers. :)

Here's my walk to school: Walking to School

Here's my house: My house!

Friday at school was a whirlwind for me. I was introduced to a bunch of people and more kids. Remembering names the first day is really hard. Now that I've been here a week, I have a lot of the names down for the 3rd and 2nd graders. I have a few of the high school kids as well.

One funny thing is that when I messaged Eric to tell him I was coming to Gambell and was going to be his roommate I asked him what he wanted me to bring from Nome. He asked for a cheeseburger. So I complied.
Brought the makings for Cheeseburgers for Eric, I'm such a nice friend!
On Friday night we had a massive storm and we woke up to a lot of snow. I ended up going out sledding with Eric and Kathy another teacher. It was a lot of fun and I sat on the mountain and watched them as well as going twice myself. I didn't think to take my camera, I should have, but forgot! Next time!

This is the 2nd time I had to knock the snow away from the door.

View from our porch towards town

Luckily the snow all piled in front of the neighbors door. 

The mountain behind the teacher housing

Sunset 2/23/14

I loved watching the sunset, it was gorgeous.

Monday and Tuesday I spent the day helping out in the 3rd and 2nd grade classes. I subbed for one of the 3rd grade teachers on Thursday and Friday. Those 3rd graders are great kids, but some of them have their own challenges. It was a very interesting two days. Unfortunately, two students were sent home from my class due to fighting in class. Like as in almost coming to blows. There had been an incident earlier in the day between the two, and it happened again. It made me feel like I was a bad teacher, but I have to realize that I can't control that facet of the kids. I don't even know what happened between the two, whether it was a continuation of the previous issue, or a new thing.

The teacher I subbed for stated that the only thing that she hopes that subs accomplish is that no one dies. I got through most of her lesson plans and activities with the exception of one. I didn't get to finish due to the issue between the two students.

I'm enjoying my time in Alaska, and I know I could live here, but there are things that I need to seriously think about before I commit to a year contract with the school district. I have already decided that if I do stay up here, the first year I will just leave my house as is, with Phoenix living there and my stuff still there. I have to think about what to do with Mac. My parents won't keep him for a year, they will keep Dipsey. Mac bit my mom, which isn't the first time he's bit someone. She says it was partially her fault, but he needs to not bite people. He hadn't bit anyone in several years until now. Apparently he's also being somewhat aggressive towards the other dogs at my parent's house, and that is not acceptable.

I have to also think about Breanna. She has said that she wants me to go with her to move into WSU in the fall. I don't know when exactly that is. I know that a couple of the teachers stated that I could take some personal time to do that with her and come back, that I would just need to let the district know up front that I would need the time off.

I need to think about do I want to live on the island. It's expensive to leave the island vs the mainland.

But I know that there are openings in other schools, at least two different villages. I would love to be able to see those villages as well, but they probably won't send me there. :)

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